Support Your Community Radio!

KPSQ, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community radio station, relies on your donations to sustain our operations and cover essential expenses. Your contribution helps us pay for rent, electricity, internet, and other overhead costs.

If you’ve donated in the last 12 months, THANK YOU! If you’re a listener who hasn’t donated yet, please consider a one-time donation of $50.00 or more, or a monthly sustaining donation of $10.00. Your support fuels the impact of our diverse programming. Join us in empowering positive change through community radio. Together, we can create a stronger, more vibrant community.

Thank you for believing in the power of community radio!

Note: Donations to KPSQ may be tax-deductible. Consult a tax professional for more information.

We’re always happy to receive a donation by check

Checks can be made out to ‘KPSQ’ and sent to:
KPSQ P.O. Box 392, Fayetteville, AR 72702
our check will be acknowledged by postal mail for your tax records.